Thursday, June 30, 2011

Not knowing...

I think that my problem right now is not knowing what goals I should fix for myself! There are just too many things I want to accomplish! Too many things I want to change! Too many things I love and I don't seem to make up my mind about what is really important! I also lose motivation so easily even about things I really really want to do!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Finding a job.

I have been thinking about a way to spend my time effectively and wisely this summer, and I can't think of a better solution than to find a job. This week, I will go job-hunting, I will also start working on the project and sign some papers for an organisation. I really want this summer to be interesting! Half the year has already passed, and I haven't achieved a lot of what I thought I would. It's ok! It will still be available for next year anyway! :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Back one more time!

I have been absent for a very long time... There has been ups and downs and I have been struggling with the odds as one good teacher of mine said. I have succeeded at one goal finally: I got my B.A!! Yeey! But I am not particularly happy. When my baby gets his M1 then I will feel real happiness!
I have been thinking a lot about the goals and realised that I just can't do them all and that some of them can not be "planned" or "anticipated" they just happen...
So again, there will be a change in my goals list! Don't you just hate that??!!
I also need a lot of motivation! So I have decided to do the things I really really need or I really really want to do!
I am using joe's goals, habit forge and start a resolution to make things work! I want it to be fun, exciting, fulfilling and not just an obligation or a thing I must and have to do! It is about needs and important desires! :) My baby and I will have to decide on the list of goals we want to fulfil now, and I will post them shortly after! Oh one more thing: I realised that I really don't HAVE TO write on the blog daily, so it will probably be kept weekly! That's quiet reasonable and realistic!